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The Odor of Box in the Heat: Lament on Containment and Capture by Linn Phyllis Seeger @ LAVAPIU

The Cure 2023/2024

The Odor of Box in the Heat: Lament on Containment and Capture

an exhibition by Linn Phyllis Seeger

29 January 2024 – 30 March 2024

curated by Ilaria Sponda

Celeste is pleased to announce the new exhibition “The Odor of Box in the Heat: Lament on Containment and Capture” by Linn Phyllis Seeger. Starting from Monday, January 29th, at the exhibition-laundry space of Gammarana in Teramo, the new window display of the London-based artist, selected by curator Ilaria Sponda, will be visible for the third exhibition season of LAVAPIU. The exhibition also includes multimedia content accessible through QR codes and a password inserted in the space.

“The Odor of Box in the Heat: Lament on Containment and Capture” is a work that continues Seeger’s investigation into interpersonal relationships mediated by mobile devices and the internet. Affirming the undeniable continuity between digital space and urban physical reality, the artist focuses on the cloud as a metaphor for a superior artificial and collective memory, placed in a realm both metaphysical and tangible, embodied in heavy hardware.

For Seeger, the intimacy experienced through information technologies is a resource that companies capitalize on to generate profit, shape public opinion, and anchor our online presence. At the same time, the excess of digital interaction, instead of strengthening connections, contributes to increasing individualism and loneliness, essential feelings in the late capitalist reproductive system.

As curator Ilaria Sponda emphasizes in the accompanying text for the exhibition: “The work is set in the cloud […] which here manifests itself as the artist’s bedroom rendered in 3D and a generic crypt. Morbid interpretations arise from the association of the two elements: the bedroom is a private space par excellence, a place of personal worship, but also a kind of burial – a boxed space where each object encapsulates a story. However, in the rendered room, there are no objects. […] The bedroom is a box, a cage of wandering visions that appear without an apparent sense of cohesion. It is everyone’s bedroom, accessible from personal devices in this semi-public space.”

Full text by Ilaria Sponda


Ilaria Sponda

The Odor of Box in the Heat: Lament on Containment and Capture
by Linn Phyllis Seeger. Interactive mullti-media installation, single-channel video. Curated by Ilaria Sponda. Exhibition views from LAVAPIU, Teramo 2024 © Celeste.